Why Lockhart?

Lockhart Strata Management aims to provide the highest level of service to clients, empowering them to effectively manage their schemes and foster a sense of community. We achieve this by delivering excellent service, embracing the latest technology, staying at the forefront of industry changes, and offering a cost-effective, transparent, all-inclusive fee structure. We look forward to welcoming you, the strata council, and owners to Lockhart Strata Management and showing you the difference having Lockhart as your strata manager can make.

SCA Member

Being a member of the Strata Community Association of WA (SCAWA) provides oversight and accountability to strata managers. This membership requires minimum standards of professional conduct and ensures companies and their staff maintain a minimum amount of CPD training.

SCA Certified

You can rest assured that the director is Level 2 certified with the Strata Community Association. Any other members of our team will either be certified or working towards their certification as a priority, demonstrating our commitment to education and development for our clients.

Exclusively Strata Management

Lockhart Strata Management is exclusively focused on Strata Management. We are not interested in managing strata schemes to sell your unit or obtain rental management. Our sole focus is delivering high-quality strata management services to our clients.

Owner Operator

At Lockhart, you are dealing with the owner of the business, who is intimately involved and knowledgeable about strata matters. Other businesses may be owned by individuals with no interest in strata management, the owner at Lockhart is passionate and committed to serving you with the highest level of service.

Zero Insurance Commission

Lockhart has arranged with one of the nation’s most reputable brokers to credit the commission back to the owners. The broker charges a brokerage fee, but typically this arrangement (which is entirely optional) results in savings compared to other brokers or going directly to insurers.

Excellent Service

Regardless of the size of your scheme, you will receive the highest level of service. At Lockhart, we don’t prioritise larger clients over smaller ones. Every scheme and owner is treated with the utmost respect and receives our best every time.


The director, Aidan Gorjy’s experience and qualifications are unique in the industry. Starting his career in Property Development before focusing on Strata Management sets our experience apart. Aidan is also one of the few strata managers in Perth to hold a Bachelor of Commerce (Property) and the Cert IV in Strata Community Management.

Owner Portal

As part of our commitment to embracing the latest technology and providing transparency, the Owner Portal allows the strata council and owners access to live financial information, invoices, documents, and the ability to track and lodge work requests. Owners and council members are always welcome to use traditional methods of communication if they prefer.

Transparent Fee Structure

Our unique all-inclusive management fee is designed to cover everything that a strata company would reasonably require, such as an AGM, postage, petties, etc. Our overarching promise is that in the unlikely event additional fees over our base management fees are required, these will not be charged without the Strata Company's prior written approval.